Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Matched Color


 Matched Color Final
Distant, Rexburg Idaho, 2/4/12, 5:40pm, SS1/100, F/3.5, Canon Rebel
I used match color for this picture. I liked the lighting better on the first picture so I matched it with the second and turned the settings down so the coloring wasn't too saturated. I also sharpened it and played with saturation



Couple, Coeur d'alene Idaho, 12/29/11, 4:11pm, SS 1/64, F5.0

I have to be really secure to show the picture that I did, but I thought it would be a good example of how much little retouches can change your picture. For this picture I used the airbrush tool to remove the blemishes and smooth out out faces. I also whitened out teeth.



Neon Rexburg Idaho, 2/4/12 4:20pm SS1/200,F3.5, Canon Rebel

I really like doing replacement color. I think its a great way to change up the picture. For this I selected first his jacket and played with the hue, (hue and saturation sliders) then I selected the red bike and changed the hue to turquoise. I also messed with the sharpness.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Carissa! Great job on your edits! I was really impressed with your color change and the enhancements with blemishes and skin smoothing! It looks natural and perfect. I really enjoy when someone can edit a photo and not make it look porcelain. Also, your portraits are awesome, too. I especially loved the one titled "Hanging Hearts". Be sure to watch the White Balance in some of the photos. Other than that, I see so much improvement. That's what it's all about! Great work this week.
