Canning-Bannack,2/10/12, 1:10pm, SS1/200,f/4.5,Canon rebel
Monkey See-Bannack,2/10/12,1:06pm,SS1/40,f/3.5,Cannon Rebel
School lunch-Bannack,2/10/12 3:00pm,SS1/100,f/5.6,Canon Rebel
Luggage-Bannack,2/10/12,2:45pm,SS1/40,f3.5,Canon Rebel
Same photo, But processed through HDR photomatix
Say Cheese-Bannack,2/10/12,4:45pm, SS1/200,f/16,Canon Rebel
-These are my favorite five photos. The first picture is of canning jars. I liked the color of the jars compared to the curtains. I edited this in camera raw to bring out the color and then sharpened it in Photoshop
-Picture two is of the baby carriage, I edited this in camera raw, changed it to gray-scale and then added a tint of yellow to make it sepia.
-Picture three is the school desk. I loved the texture of the can. I edited it in camera raw,messed with color temperature and also sharpened it in Photoshop.
-My final picture was of Nate at bannack taking a photo of me. I made him laugh somehow and captured his genuine smile. All I did to this picture was changed it to grey-scale and sharpened it in Photoshop
I really love those blue bottles. You got their color really well and the rest of the lighting and focus is nice too. You seem to have gotten a lot of good pictures from the trip but that one's my favorite.