El Camino; 1-15-12; 3:26Pm, Hayden Idaho, f/5.6, 1/400 Sec, Rebel T3
Tracks; 1-15-12; 3:45Pm, Hayden Idaho, f/5.6, 1/1000Sec, Rebel T3
Bulbs;1-14-2012,6:24pm, Hayden Idaho, f/6.3, 1/25 Sec, Rebel T3
For the editing of this one I Did the first tutorial, But I did a mask and layer edit and then erased opacity on the text. I also used saturation edits to bring out different colors in the bulbs, and sharpened the image.
Your photo with the lights and the text is really neat! I have one suggestion of maybe moving the text “glow” to the right side of the photo in the middle where it would be more visible and it would balance out the image. I really like your color study post- I thought the images you chose were really neat! My favorites are the Lantern and Tart Shells. I really like the composition of those photos and the details. The lighting in both is very unique and different which make them stand out. I can tell already that your photography is improving and you have a good eye for detail!